Sunday, February 10, 2008

Oh Ram' s Horn Jacket you are a real bitch.

Ok I had high hopes for you. You are so lovely in the book. (But why are you wearing bikini on the beach?) I made you exactly as written and re written with many extensive erratas. I scoured ravelry for help with your insidious but cute collar (and found it!) I ordered more yarn and squealed when the dye lots matched. I blocked and blocked your for three straight days, on the bed and on the table. You were so nice and smooth with great expanses of stockinette. Why do you do these things to me when I love you so much? Your a fickle and ever growing bitch.

My god how big can you get? The sleeves are freaking huge. They look like kimono sleeves and they are about six inches too long! Crap I probably didn't even need the extra yarn.

I seamed the beast and tried it on. Holy crap the thing is huge. This is just like the Oragami Cardi. So now I need to rip back the sleeves and reknit the hem. Oh to make matters worse the collar is about six inches too short! This thing is a big ole beast. I love Norah for making real sized patterns, but apparently I can't knit them. This beast goes into the closet for Sunday work only.

That means I don't love your any more Ram's Horn Jacket.

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